National retailers deal with multiple suppliers for different products (internet, voice, hardware, etc.) and regions.  A problem that will only get worse as Wi-Fi, video and failover internet requirements grow. 

Not easily measured is the cost to your companyFor the larger retailers, this cost is in the six digits and for everyone, this cost is completely avoidable.  Yes, almost 100% avoidable.  Here are some impacts:

We are all just an account number with these massive providers!

These impacts are costing retailers and property owners millions each per year.  Change is possible, but your voice is important and needs to be heard. Please leave a reply and tell us your thoughts.  Your comments will be encouraging for the next readers.

Voice and Data for Shopping Centres is a series of posts, discussing the problems and impacts of voice and data in the retail community.  This series will give the reader an inside look at how Achieve IP is working with the property owners to rethink the shopping centre network and learn about the benefits to the retailer.