CIO Overview

According to a recent report from Robert Half, 63% of CIOs find it difficult to find skilled professionals yet 17% plan to expand their IT departments. Alternatively, why not rid the IT department of the menial tasks that are easy to manage but painful to administer? Working with shopping centre property owners, Achieve IP utilizes […]

Dollars and Sense: Change is Good

At first glance, building future-ready networks in shopping centres can be a headache and with a build cost of about $50,000 per regional shopping centre, can be a costly decision without the right strategy. In most shopping centres, the network is out-dated, the retailers have to fend for themselves and there is no strategy to improve […]

Telephone Vendors: Selling Only What They Have

Telecom hardware or desktop solutions have gone through unprecedented change in the last few years.  Once an industry with only a handful of legacy PBXs (Nortel, Avaya, NEC, Mitel, Toshiba), telecom has seen an introduction of suppliers from the data industry, soft-switch manufactures, and open source providers.  The telephony delivery model compounds this change with hosted PBXs, […]

IP PBX: Great Hype or Good Value

Thinking of upgrading your phone system?  Here is a simple quiz: name seven features that you use on your existing phone system then name seven more that you will use on your new fancy IP PBX.  If you found these questions easy to answer, you are one of the very few and can consider yourself […]

Data and Telecom Equipment Definitions

The IT and telecom industry use standard terms to describe the condition or state of the equipment.  I have added this to assist with discussions when procuring this equipment. Grey Market – new equipment usually from acquired outside of the regional suppliers territory.  This equipment is brand new right from the manufacture and is sold […]

A New PBX: Paying for the Sparkle

When was the last time your IT company suggested remanufactured ICT equipment instead of new?  Refurbished / remanufactured equipment is recognized by Cisco, Avaya and most of the other major manufactures of ICT (telecom included) equipment, but rarely is it presented as a solution to the customer. Here is what Cisco is saying about refurbished […]